U.S. Government

How to Cool Down Global Warming

Drawing on documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, Rolling Stone details the Bush administration's "ongoing strategy to block federal action on global warming." In 2002, the administration's Climate Action Report was reported on as a "stark shift" in U.S. policy.


Neo-cons Spinning Hearts and Minds

"As the George W. Bush administration struggles through its last two years in office, it appears that the agenda of neoconservative ideologues has finally lost its appeal among strategic parts of the U.S. foreign policy apparatus," writes Khody Akhavi.


Coming Up This Week in Congress: Immigration, Labor, and Defense

Both the House and Senate are in session this week, with each chamber expected to debate and consider several important bills and resolutions. Highlights include:

  • The Senate will return to debating a comprehensive immigration bill. Senate leaders have agreed to a list of twenty-four amendments that will receive floor votes, with a final vote on the bill expected by the end of the week.
  • The Senate will consider the Employee Free Choice Act, a bill previously passed by the House which would make it easier for workers to form unions.
  • The Senate may consider the fiscal year (FY) 2008 Defense Department authorization bill, which was approved by the House last month.
  • The House will vote on two fiscal year (FY) 2008 spending bills; a $21.4 billion Financial Services measure and a $27.6 billion Interior-Environment bill. If passed, the Interior measure could face a veto threat as it is $1.9 billion above the Bush administration's request.

After the jump is a full listing of this week's House and Senate hearings, courtesy of GovTrack.


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