
Chemical Association's PR To Make You Safer

The American Chemistry Council wants you to know that you're safer than you may think when toxic chemicals end up in your local groundwater and air. ACC has announced the hire of ex-Environmental Protection Agency spokesperson Lisa Harrison as its new vice president of communications. Says Ms.


They Really CARE -- About Energy Profits

Wendy Brown reports, "Critics say the Citizens' Alliance for Responsible Energy ... is a classic front group for the oil-and-gas industry. CARE claims its purpose is to educate people about energy policy and undo some of the spin that left-wing groups have propagated about alternative fuels like ethanol and hydrogen.


Essential2: Better Flacking Through Chemistry

Working with Ogilvy PR, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) launched its "Essential2" PR campaign last year, "to reposition the $550 billion industry as not only imperative, but advantageous to all aspects of modern life." Essential2 includes "national cable TV spots, print ads, and a policymaker education program." PR Week profiles the campaign's outreach to chemical company employees.


Non-Profit 'Watchdog' Well Fed By ExxonMobil

The Wall Street Journal reports that Public Interest Watch (PIW), a non-profit 'watchdog' group which sucessfully lobbied for an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax audit of Greenpeace, has been heavily funded by ExxonMobil. Two years after PIW urged an IRS investigation, Greenpeace was subjected to a three-month long audit.


Anti-Enviro Front Groups Grow on Trees

Paul Thacker reports on "one short-lived 'grassroots' organization" based in Oregon, whose leaders "played a key role in passing President Bush's Healthy Forests legislation and are now promoting changes" to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) that



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